February 07 2025. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Dan Lin, Jinan University, China, Asst. Prof. Liqiao Nong, Guangxi Polytechnic of Construction, China, Prof. Eko Hadi Sujiono, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia etc. to join the technical committee! (Click)
January 21 2025. News! The submission deadline has been extended to February 20, 2025. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2025! (Click)
December 30 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Galimov Almaz, Kazan Federal University, Russia to join the technical committee! (Click)
December 20 2024. News! Welcome Principal Lecturer Su-Mae Tan, Multimedia University, Malaysia and Prof. Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México to join the technical committee! (Click)
November 05 2024. News! Welcome Assco. Prof. Zigang GE, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China to join the technical committee! (Click)
November 04 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Lyubov Grosheva, Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, Tyumen, Russia, Asst. Prof. Dr. Catherine N. Arellano, Cebu Institute of Technology – University, Philippines and Assoc. Prof. Jian Liao, Southwest University, China to join the technical committee! (Click)
October 21 2024. News! The submission deadline has been extended to November 20, 2024. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
October 06 2024. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2024 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. (Click)
August 28 2024. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2024 has been included in ACM Digital Libray! (Click)
February 19 2024. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Min Dong, South China University of Technology, China, Prof. Cherry Lyn Sta. Romana, Cebu Institute of Technology - University, Philippines and Assoc. Prof. Irene Balmes, National University - Lipa, Philippines to join the technical committee! (Click)
January 30 2024. News! The submission deadline has been extended to February 20, 2024 (Final Deadline). Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
January 05 2024. News! The submission deadline has been extended to January 30, 2024. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
January 03 2024. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2023 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. (Click)
November 21 2023. News! The submission deadline has been extended to January 05, 2024. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
October 17 2023. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2023 was included into ACM Digital Library. (Click)
October 17 2023. News! The submission deadline has been extended to November 20,2023. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
February 06 2023. News! The submission deadline has been extended to February 20, 2023. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2024! (Click)
February 06 2023. News! Welcome Lecturer Dongkun HAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China to join the technical committee! (Click)
January 13 2023. News! Welcome Asst. Prof. Lera A. Kamalova, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia and Asst. Prof. Elvira G. Sabirova, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia to join the technical committee! (Click)
January 09 2022. News! Welcome Prof. Hui-Wen Huang, Shaoguan University, China to join the technical committee! (Click)
January 06, 2023. News! The deadline for paper submission has been extended to February 05, 2023! (Click)
December 30 2022. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Wei Li, Huanggang Normal University, China to join the technical committee! (Click)
December 07, 2022. News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to January 05, 2023! (Click)
November 07, 2022. News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to December 05, 2022! (Click)
October 13, 2022. News! The 2023 9th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies (ICETT 2023) conference proceedings will be published by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9959-3)! (Click)
September 30, 2022. News! Welcome Dr. Shamil Sheymardanov, Kazan Federal University, Russia to join the technical committee! (Click)
September 26, 2022. News! Prof. Cecilia Junio-Sabio, Asian Institute for Distance Education, Philippines and Assoc. Prof. Mah Boon Yih, Universi Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia confirmed to give Invited Speech at ICETT 2023! (Click)
September 02, 2022. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2022 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. (Click)
July 28, 2022. News!
The 2023
9th International Conference on Education and
Training Technologies (ICETT 2023) will be held
at Macau, China during April 21-23, 2023.
Welcome to submit your papers! (Click)
July 26, 2022.
News! The
conference proceedings of ICETT 2022 was
included into
ACM Digital Library. (Click)
April 20, 2022.
2022 was successfully held in online during
April 16-18, 2022! (Click)
February 28, 2022. News! Welcome Prof. Weng-Lam CHEONG, Prof. Silvia Mariela Méndez PRADO, Prof. Muhabbat MIRSALIYEVA to join the technical committee! (Click)
February 11, 2022. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Kheng Lim Goh, Newcastle University in Singapore, Singapore to give invited talk in ICETT 2022! (Click)
February 06, 2022. News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to March 01, 2022.
December 31, 2021. News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to February 05, 2022.
December 17, 2021. News! Welcome Dr. Maritza Arones-Mayurí , Universidad Nacional "San Luis Gonzaga",Ica, Perú to join the conference committee. (Click)
December 13, 2021. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2021 was indexed by Ei Compendex! (Click)
December 07, 2021. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2021 was indexed by Scopus! (Click)
November 15, 2021. News! To slightly give more room to our participant who might have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to December 30, 2021.
November 05, 2021. News! Prof. Sean (Shuying) Li, City University of Macau, China confirms to deliver a keynote speech at ICETT 2022! (Click)
October 19, 2021. News! Assoc. Prof. Hongfeng Zhang, Macau Polytechnic Institute, China confirms to deliver an invited speech at ICETT 2022! (Click)
October 18, 2021. News! Prof. Lam Fat Iam, Macau Polytechnic Institute, China confirms to deliver a keynote speech at ICETT 2022! (Click)
August 17, 2021. News! The 8th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies (ICETT 2022) will be held in Macau, China during April 16-18, 2022!
July 30, 2021. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2021 have been includeded into ACM digital library. (Click)
April 17, 2021. News! ICETT 2021 was successfully held online during April 14-16, 2021! (Click)
February 06, 2021. News! The submission deadline of ICETT 2021 is extended to March 01, 2021. (Click)
January 25, 2021. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Huang Qi, Assoc. Prof. Li Xiaofen and Asst. Prof. Qifeng Lyu to join the conference committee. (Click)
January 16, 2021. News! The submission deadline of ICETT 2021 is extended to Feb.05, 2021. (Click)
December 16, 2020. News! The submission deadline of ICETT 2021 is extended to Jan.15, 2021. (Click)
October 13, 2020. News! Welcome Prof. Sean (Shuying) Li, City University of Macau, China to give speech at ICETT 2021. (Click)
August 28, 2020. News! ICETT 2020 published by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8798-9), which has been archived in the ACM Digital Library and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
May 06, 2020. News! Accepted excellent papers by ICETT 2020 will be published by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8798-9), which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and sent to be indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
May 05, 2020. News! The keynote speech abstract of Prof. Joy Kutaka-Kennedy is available. (Click)
February 21, 2020. News! The submission deadline has been extended to March 20, 2020. Please submit your articles to ICETT 2020.(Click)
November 21, 2019. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2019 have been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
November 18, 2019. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Mingming Zhou from University of Macau to deliver the plenary speech at ICETT 2020. (Click)
October 31, 2019. News! Welcome Choi Wai Ching, Ziho Kang, Galina G. Artyushina and Lin Chialiang, etc. to join in the technical committee of ICETT 2020. (Click)
September 03, 2019. News! ICETT 2020 will be held in Macau, China. Welcome all the scholars, researchers, etc. from the related area to attend the conference.
August 29, 2019. News! The conference proceedings of ICETT 2019 have been includeded into ACM digital library. (Click)
May 20, 2019. News! The conference program for ICETT 2019 has been updated. (Click)
April 18, 2019. News! The one day tour schedule has been udpated. If you want to join in, please contact the conference secretary . (Click)
April 15, 2019. News! The speech title and abstract for Prof. NG Shun-Wing has been updated. (Click)
March 18, 2019. News! The accepted and registered papers will be published in conference proceedings by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and sent to be indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
March 08, 2019. News! The hotel has provided the special rate for the conference participants. For more information, please visit the venue page.(Click)
March 06, 2019. News! Welcome Prof. Jin Wang to deliver the keynote speech on ICETT 2019.(Click)
March 05, 2019. News! Welcome Lisa Messenzehl from Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland to serve as the program chair of ICETT 2019. (Click)
March 01, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to April 05, 2019. Welcome to submit your articles to ICETT 2019. (Click)
January 31, 2019. News! The submission deadline has been extended to February 28, 2019. Welcome to submit your articles to ICETT 2019. (Click)
January 28, 2019. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Lin Chialian, Prof. Demetrios Sampson and Assoc. Prof. Wen-Chung Shih etc. to join in the conference technical committee of ICETT 2019. (Click)
January 23, 2019. News! The conference hotel has been confirmed to BW Premier Gangnam. (Click)
December 11, 2018. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Hong Jiang and Assoc. Prof. Galina G. Artyushina to join in the conference committee of ICETT 2019. (Click)
October 26, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. NG Shun-Wing from University of Saint Joseph, Macau to deliver the keynote speech at ICETT 2019. (Click)
August 27, 2018. News! Welcome Prof. Tang Siew Fun to deliver the keynote speech at ICETT 2019. (Click)
27, 2018, News! ICETT 2019 will be held in Hoam Faculty House of Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea during May 27-29, 2019. Welcome to submit articles to the conference.
July 06, 2017. News! The detailed program is ready now. Please downlod here.
April 1, 2017. News! ICETT 2017 submission deadline has been extended to April 30, 2017.
March 3, 2017. News! ICETT 2017 will be held in Hotel Royal.
February 21, 2017 News! ICETT 2017 submission deadline has been extended to March 31, 2017.
January 22, 2017 News! Welcome Mariani Binti Md Nor, Abd Razak Bin Zakaria, Salleh Amat, Manisah Mohd Ali and Asad Ghali to join ICETT 2017 technical committee.
January 10, 2017 News! Welcome Gali Naveh, Antti J. Rissanen, Saowanit Sukparungsee, Yupaporn Areepong, Kanita Petcharat, Amit Shelef and Shahbaz Ahmad to join ICETT 2017 technical committee.
December 10, 2016 News! ICETT 2017 will be held in Singapore, July 9-11 and the submission is open.
August 30, 2016. News! ICETT 2016 has been successfully held in Turku, Finland.
August 10, 2016. News! ICETT 2016 conference program is availalbe now. (Click)
July 15, 2016. News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yupaporn Areepong, Assist. Prof. Suvimol Phanyaem, Prof. Akemi Sakamoto, Assist. Prof. Figen Isik Esenay, Senior Lecturer Antti J. rissanen and Assist. Prof. Yusuf ESER to join ICETT 2016 technical committee.
May 23, 2016. News! ICETT 2016 submission has been extended to June 20, 2016.
April 21, 2016. News! ICETT 2016 submission has been extended to May 20, 2016.
Janaury 13, 2016. News! ICETT 2016 submission is open.
July 23, 2015. News! The conference program is avaiable now. (Click)
July 13, 2015. News! Welcome Prof. Michael Chia, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to deliver a plenary speech during the conference.
May 25, 2015. News! Welcome Dr. Juha Kettunen, Chancellor of the Turku University of Applied Sciences & Professor of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland to join the conference committee.
April 23, 2015. News! The last round submission deadline: May 25, 2015.
April 20, 2015. News! Welcome Prof. David Cababaro Bueno from Columban College Graduate School, Olongapo City, Philippines to join the conference commitee.
April 1, 2015. News! Welcome Prof. Rostand S. Tolentino from Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines to join the committee.
March 27, 2015. News! Welcome Dr. Bruno Starrs from Institut Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam to join the committee.
March 25, 2015. News! The submission deadline extends to April 25, 2015.
January 5, 2015. News! Welcome Prof. Norihito Mizuno from Akita International University, Akita, Japan to deliver a keynote speech at the conference.
December 30, 2014. News! Welcome Prof. Vinod Kumar, Carleton University, Canada to deliver a keynote speech at the conferernce.
December 16, 2014. News! Welcome Prof. Wing H. Chui from Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong to deliver a keynote speech at the conferernce.
December 12, 2014. News! Welcome Dr. Leng Ho KEAT from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to deliver a keynote speech at the conference.
October 28, 2014. News! ICETT2015 call for papers now.
August 4, 2014 News! The program is available now.
June 17, 2014 News! The one-day tour itinerary is available now.
May 28, 2014 News! The third round submission deadline: June 15, 2014.
May 8, 2014 News! The second round submission deadline: May 25, 2014.
March 24, 2014 News! Dr. Yuehluen Hu would be invited as the conference chair.
March 24, 2014 News! Dr. Chih-Min Tang would be invited as the Honorary chair.