Submit Your Manuscript

Have you formatted your manuscript as detailed above and reviewed the entire submission process?

If yes, please submit your paper over. We provide the below two submission methods, please choose one submission method. Do not submit twice to avoid any inconvenience caused by duplicated submission.

1.Please submit the formatted article to

 Submission System


2. Or you can submit to email:

If you have any problems with the above submission methods, you can contact ICETT 2025 Office at:

(Email Subject: ICETT 2025 Submission Enquiry) and the conference secretary will contact you for further assistance.  


Submission Guideline

English (including American, British, Canadian, etc.) is the language of the conference and of all submissions.

Submissions to ICETT 2025 must be original; submissions cannot have been published or accepted in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference. Further, submissions must not be concurrently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. If your paper has previously been published as a working paper or a pre-print, you will be asked to describe this as part of the submission process.


Review Process

All the papers received will be passed to the program chair who is in charge of the peer review process and will assign at least two suitable technical committee members as reviewers for each paper whose areas of expertise have to match with the topics of the papers. The review comments will be sent back to the program chair who will make decisions about submissions. The conference secretary then will inform the corresponding authors about the review results.The papers which need revisions will be required to be sent back within stipulated time, and only revised papers that pass the second review will be accepted.

Page Limit

Each paper must be no less than 5 pages, Up to 6 pages (including the abstract, figures, tables, and references, double column). Extra pages (begin at page 6)  will be charged $70 (US dollars) per extra page.